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Drywall Installer Given Probation For Immigration Violations - Law360

June 08, 2016 (1 min read)

Law360, June 6, 2016 - "The first individual in western Washington convicted of repeatedly and knowingly hiring workers who were in the U.S. without permission has been sentenced to a fine and probation in a Washington federal court. David Jones, 47, who pled guilty in February to Immigration Reform Control Act violations, was sentenced Thursday under a plea agreement to two years of probation and a $25,000 fine, and his Seattle-area company DJ Drywall Inc. was given five years of probation and a $75,000 fine. Jones and DJ Drywall will be required to participate in the E-Verify online employment verification system while on probation. The prosecution sentencing memorandum noted Jones was the first individual convicted of violating IRCA in western Washington since it was passed in 1986."
