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Dems Blast Obama, DHS for Deportation Raids: Letter

January 13, 2016 (1 min read)

Washington Post, Jan. 12, 2016 - "The escalating tensions between Democrats and the Obama administration over its deportation raids targeting Central American immigrants burst into public view on Tuesday, with more than 140 House members blasting the round ups and the White House dispatching a top official to Capitol Hill in a vain effort to quell the furor.  On the eve of President Obama’s final State of the Union address, dozens of members of his own party condemned the raids — in which 121 adults and children were taken into custody over the New Year’s weekend — as a failed and inhumane effort to stem a tide of refugees fleeing violence in Central America. “We are gravely concerned,” the members wrote in a letter to the president, that the Department of Homeland Security “may have already removed mothers and children from the United States and returned them to violent and dangerous situations in their home countries.”"