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An immigration vote in the heartland on Tuesday

February 05, 2012 (1 min read)

Springfield, MO: "The controversial E-Verify initiative goes to voters on Tuesday.  Those in favor and against have been rallying for weeks and now three days before polls open, a final push has the opposition working the streets.  Supporters of the Citizens for a United Springfield organization rallied against E-Verify today with their "Vote No" campaign, hitting the streets today in Springfield, knocking on doors and delivering yard signs opposing E-Verify.   Opponents of  initiative are making a last minute plea encouraging citizens of Springfield to vote no. Springfield mayor Jim O'Neil and representatives from the City Council and Chamber of Commerce took part in the rally, speaking out against E-Verify.  "It's going to have so many negative, unintended consequences for our city, our economy and our ability to attract workforce," said Springfield Mayor Jim O'Neil.  Ozarks Minutemen sponsored the e-verify initiative." -, Feb. 4, 2012.