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July 27, 2020

This is the Best Explainer on Trump's Census Memo

Prof. Marty Lederman, July 25, 2020 - Trump's Memorandum on Not Counting Undocumented Immigrants for Purposes of House Reapportionment Calculations "Contrary to what you might have read, President Trump’s  “Memorandum on Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionment Base Following the 2020 Census,”  which he issued [on Tuesday, July 21],   doesn’t  change the way the Department of Commerce will conduct the...

July 25, 2020

Trump Lawyers Put New DACA Applications "On Hold" a "Bucket"

Emily Davies, Washington Post, July 24, 2020 "Trump administration officials said during a federal court hearing Friday that they have not “granted nor rejected” any applications for a program designed to protect young undocumented immigrants from deportation, but rather have put them “on hold” as the government discusses the future of the program. ... “Although the applications will be received by the department...

July 24, 2020

Feds Sued Over Trump Census Memo

Nick Cahill, July 23, 2020 "The city of Atlanta, along with a coalition of nonprofits and naturalized citizens, sued late Thursday to stop President Donald Trump’s plan to exclude undocumented people from the upcoming census. In a federal  lawsuit  filed in Washington D.C., the plaintiffs cast Trump’s unprecedented attempt to change the once-a-decade count used to divvy seats in Congress as racially and politically...

July 22, 2020

Attack on Census Not New

Hansi Lo Wang, NPR, July 21, 2020 "President Trump released   a memorandum  Tuesday that calls for an unprecedented change to the constitutionally mandated count of every person living in the country — the exclusion of unauthorized immigrants from the numbers used to divide up seats in Congress among the states. The memo instructs Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who oversees the Commerce Department, to include...

July 21, 2020

ACLU: Trump Anti-Immigrant Census Memo Unconstitutional

ACLU, July 21, 2020 "The American Civil Liberties Union calls President Trump’s order seeking to ban immigrants who are undocumented from being counted in the census patently unconstitutional.  Dale Ho, director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project , successfully argued the U.S. Supreme Court case blocking the Trump administration from placing a citizenship question on the 2020 census in its attempt to intimidate...

July 20, 2020

Cyrus Mehta: Extending Visitor Visa Status During COVID-19 and after the Birth Tourism Rule

Cyrus Mehta, July 20, 2020 "Visitors who have been admitted in B-2 visa status may extend their status while in the United States. Even if a visitor has a multiple entry visa in the passport for a duration of ten years, the visitor is admitted into the US for a more limited time at a port of entry, which is generally a period of six months in B-2 status. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many visitors have sought...

July 17, 2020

Hospitals Are Suddenly Short of Young Doctors — Because of Trump’s Visa Ban

Dara Lind, ProPublica, July 17, 2020 "Doctors treating coronavirus patients were supposed to be allowed into the U.S. But hundreds of young doctors have their visas put on hold indefinitely."

July 17, 2020

Migratory Notes 172 (July 16, 2020)

Migratory Notes 172 (July 16, 2020) - ICE sends virus global, DACA purgatory, avoidable child deaths...and more.

July 15, 2020

GAO Report Slams CBP Over Border Deaths, Medical Care of Detainees, Use of Funds

SOUTHWEST BORDER: CBP Needs to Increase Oversight of Funds, Medical Care, and Reporting of Deaths "Three children died in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s custody in fiscal year 2019, prompting questions about medical care in the agency’s southwest border facilities. CBP developed health screening policies and received emergency funds to enhance detainees’ medical care. But CBP hasn’t consistently overseen...

July 14, 2020

Canada’s Immigration System Increasingly Draws Talent from the United States

Zachary Arnold, CSET, July 14, 2020 "The number of U.S. residents who advanced through Express Entry, Canada’s flagship skilled immigration program, rose 75% between 2017 and 2019, a much faster rate of growth than for other countries. This growth was entirely due to successful submissions from U.S. noncitizens, which rose at least 128% during this period. In total, from 2017 to 2019, more than 20,000 noncitizen...

July 14, 2020

David Isaacson: Proposed Asylum Rule a "Monstrosity"

David Isaacson, July 14, 2020 "The Department of Homeland Security and the Executive Office of Immigration Review (the agency within the Department of Justice that runs the immigration courts) have jointly proposed a new rule entitled  “Procedures for Asylum and Withholding of Removal; Credible Fear and Reasonable Fear Review”  that would drastically change the law in the United States governing applications for...

July 10, 2020

Immigration Policy and the Global Competition for AI Talent

Tina Huang, Zachary Arnold, CSET, July 2020 "The United States has historically led the world in technological innovation through its internationally renowned education institutions, innovative industries, top-tier research laboratories and, critically, its unique ability to attract talent worldwide. Immigrants play a key role in sharpening America’s technological edge. In recent years, the demand for artificial...

July 10, 2020

How ICE Exported the Coronavirus

By EMILY KASSIE and BARBARA MARCOLINI, The Marshall Project, July 10, 2020 "An investigation reveals how Immigration and Customs Enforcement became a domestic and global spreader of COVID-19."

July 10, 2020

Migratory Notes 171 (July 9, 2020)

Migratory Notes 171 (July 9, 2020) - Stranded students; luckless DV lottery; Greyhound losses...and so much more!

July 09, 2020

Experts: ICE International Student Rule Sparks Fear, Confusion

Elizabeth Redden, Inside Higher Ed, July 9, 2020 " Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued in federal court Wednesday to try to block a new Trump administration policy that would prohibit international students in the U.S. from enrolling exclusively in online courses , even if the colleges they attend will only offer online courses in the fall due to the continuing public health threat...

July 08, 2020

Harvard, MIT Push Back Against ICE

Miriam Jordan, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Dan Levin, NYT, July 8, 2020 "A directive by the Trump administration that would strip international college students of their U.S. visas if their coursework was entirely online prompted widespread confusion on Tuesday as students scrambled to clarify their statuses and universities reassessed their fall reopening policies amid the coronavirus pandemic. The White House measure...

July 07, 2020

American Council on Education: ICE Student Rule "Horrifying"

Ted Mitchell, ACE, July 6, 2020 "On its face, the guidance released today by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is horrifying. While we would welcome more clarity about international students studying in the United States, this guidance raises more questions than it answers and unfortunately does more harm than good. Colleges and universities have announced and continue to announce multi-faceted, nuanced...

July 07, 2020

Expert: Trump Administration Trying to "Stop All Immigration to the United States"

Stuart Anderson, Forbes, July 7, 2020 "Faced with the prospect of losing the power to make immigration policy after the November 2020 presidential election, Trump administration officials are speeding up efforts to force foreign nationals to leave the United States, including a new policy that could push out many international students. The latest policy should be seen in the context of the June 22, 2020,  presidential...

July 03, 2020

Pursuing a National Interest Exception to the Presidential Entry Bans on Economic Grounds ~ Not A Fool’s Errand

Angelo A. Paparelli, July 3, 2020 "We’ve seen this movie before. Scene 1 : The President issues a proclamation in reliance on his authority to restrict the entry of certain noncitizens under Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) § 212(f) so long as he asserts that allowing them in would be “detrimental to the interests of the United States.” Scene 2 : The proclamation creates exceptions to the entry bans based...

July 02, 2020

Migratory Notes 170 (July 2, 2020)

Migratory Notes 170 (July 2, 2020) - #Letusgohome, USCIS standstill, virtual border wall...and much, much more!

July 02, 2020

Trump’s Work Visa Ban Causing Havoc to Families including Children

Cyrus Mehta and Kaitlyn Box*, July 2, 2020 "On June 29 th , 2020, issued a  Proclamation  to amend  Proclamation 10052  of June 22, 2020 (Suspension of Entry of Immigrants and Nonimmigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak). The amended Proclamation modifies Section 3(a)(ii) of the June 22 Proclamation to read as follows...

July 02, 2020

Immigration Judges Challenge Justice Department Speech Policy

Knight First Amendment Institute, July 1, 2020 "The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University filed a lawsuit today on behalf of the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ) challenging a government policy that imposes an unconstitutional prior restraint on immigration judges seeking to speak or write publicly in their personal capacities, no matter the topic, audience, or venue. The policy...

July 02, 2020

The Shadow Court Cementing Trump’s Immigration Policy

Felipe de la Hoz, The Nation, June 30, 2020 "The Board of Immigration Appeals, once an impartial appellate court, has become a new front in the Trump administration’s war against migrants."

July 02, 2020

Entry Denied: How We Got Here

Tempest Tossed, June 30, 2020 "Walls, a ban on Muslims, a promise to end DACA:  How did immigration become a central feature of Donald Trump's campaign for President? Alex Aleinikoff and Deb Amos talk with New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis who share their first hand accounts."

July 01, 2020

Jeffrey S. Chase: Justices' Asylum Ruling Further Limits Migrant Protections

Jeffrey S. Chase, June 29, 2020 "In Thuraissigiam v. Barr,[1] the U.S. Supreme Court by a 7-2 margin recently rejected a ruling by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that the Immigration and Nationality Act's limits on the scope of habeas review of credible fear determinations violate the Constitution's suspension clause. In its majority decision, two concurrences and one dissent, the justices...