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Victory in Bolivian Gay Asylum Case - Arlington Immigration Court

April 29, 2012 (1 min read)
Jan Pederson writes: "Immigration Judge John Bryant of the Arlington Immigration Court today [Apr. 27, 2012] granted political asylum to a gay Bolivian who filed his asylum application almost ten years after entry.  The Court found that the applicant’s serious and continuing PTSD, depression and anxiety; the applicant’s youth and lack of lack of knowledge of the availability of asylum based on sexual orientation constituted extraordinary circumstances for waiving the one year bar to asylum and further that the applicant filed within a reasonable period of time.  The applicant was eighteen years old when he entered the United States.  He was unable to speak about the horrific and sadistic sexual abuse he suffered based on his sexual orientation at the hands of both government officials and private actors until he had worked with a mental health therapist and was referred to an immigration lawyer by the clinic."
Hats off to Jan Pederson and Michelle Kobler of Pederson Immigration Group, P.C.!
[Note: ICE waived appeal, so there will be no transcript or written decision.]