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Utah Supreme Court on Post-Conviction Relief: Meza v. State

August 20, 2015 (1 min read)

Aaron Tarin writes: "Federal immigration law has long condemned immigrants here in Utah for "convictions" that the State of Utah itself does not consider to be "convictions" at all.  What's worse, the State took the position that there was no way of challenging these "pleas held in abeyance", which are later dismissed outright upon compliance of court terms.  A divided Utah Supreme Court panel finally resolved this enigmatic "catch-22" by resurrecting its constitutional authority and endowing URCP 60(b) as the vehicle for relief.  We asked for a tiny common law crack; the Court ended up giving thousands of Utahns a constitutional sledgehammer instead.  Even better."

- Meza v. State, Aug. 17, 2015.
