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USCIS Oath of Allegiance Policy Memo

November 19, 2021 (1 min read)

USCIS, Nov. 19, 2021Demonstrating Eligibility for Modification under Section 337 of the Immigration and Nationality Act

"During the naturalization interview, an applicant signs the naturalization application to acknowledge the applicant’s willingness and ability to take the Oath of Allegiance. An applicant may be eligible for a modification of the oath based on religious, moral, or ethical beliefs. Qualification for the modification is not dependent upon membership in a particular religious group, nor does membership in a specific religious group provide an automatic modification to the oath. However, the applicant must have a sincere and meaningful belief that has a place in the applicant’s life that is equivalent to that of a religious belief. An officer must not question the validity of what an applicant believes or the existence or truth of the concepts in which the applicant believes. To ensure applicants have the opportunity to express their sincere and meaningful beliefs, USCIS is clarifying its process regarding circumstances where an applicant expresses a desire for an oath modification."