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OFLC to Roll Out PERM Case Management System on Apr. 15, 2017

March 31, 2017 (1 min read)

OFLC, Mar. 31, 2017ETA Announces PERM Case Management System Enhancement to Streamline PERM Processes for Employers: Electronic Submission of Supporting Documentation

"ETA has implemented a new enhancement to the PERM Case Management System (CMS) related to the submission of applications for permanent labor certification intended to reduce burdens on employers and streamline the processing of applications. Beginning on and after April 15, 2017, the PERM CMS will permit the submission of electronic documentation while the application is pending review and up to 30 calendar days after the notice of proposed final agency action is issued on an application. The Department expects that this new feature will eliminate the need for the employer or, if applicable, its authorized agent or attorney to submit responsive documents via U.S. mail, e-mail or facsimile, and result in a more expedient review of applications by connecting the responsive documents directly to the OFLC analysts assigned to the application.

To review the features of this new CMS enhancement, please download a copy of the [58-page!] PERM Quick Guide at"
