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OCAHO Reduces I-9 Fine from $96K to $59K - USA v. Pegasus Family Restaurant

January 05, 2017 (1 min read)

OCAHO, Dec. 29, 2016 - "The parties’ Joint Motion Stipulating to Liability is GRANTED. The violations alleged against Themis Koutsandreas and Jabbar Saif in Count I of the complaint and against Robert Bengert and Steven Lawrence in Count II of the complaint are dismissed. Pegasus is found liable for the remaining twenty-nine violations alleged in Count I and the remaining seventy-eight violations in Count II, for a total of 107 violations. ICE’s Motion for Summary Decision is GRANTED, IN PART. Pegasus Family Restaurant, Inc. is liable for 107 violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(B) and is directed to pay civil penalties in the total amount of $58,850."
