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Keeping Up with OFLC: New PERM FAQ, FLAG and More

May 16, 2019 (1 min read)

OFLC, May 13-16, 2019

"May 16 - As part of the Office of Foreign Labor Certification’s (OFLC) ongoing efforts to increase public outreach and technical assistance to the stakeholder community, OFLC is making available a series of presentations developed by its National Processing Centers highlighting recent trends in workload and identifying key filing issues and best practices.  As part of the Department’s IT modernization initiative, OFLC is also making available a general presentation on its new FLAG Labor Application Gateway (FLAG) System, which is designed to continuously improve OFLC business processes and stakeholder experience with our services.  For more information on the FLAG System, please click here.

Please click the hyperlinks below to access each presentation.

May 13 - The Department is issuing this announcement that PERM Round 14 FAQ regarding PERM withdrawals, Requests for Reconsideration or BALCA Review, and Pay Differentials (Cost-of-Labor Adjustments) has been posted. To access the new FAQs, please click here."
