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ICE Posts Wrong Numbers on Alternatives to Detention (ATD) Monitoring: TRAC

December 15, 2022 (2 min read)

TRAC, Dec. 14, 2022

"ICE has informed TRAC that Alternatives to Detention (ATD) data previously released by the agency on several occasions between August 2022 and December 2022, as well as data previously released for FY 2022, was inaccurate. TRAC therefore urges caution in interpreting the latest numbers ICE has just posted.

The data ICE has been posting for months showed that use of GPS ankle monitors had been increasing which TRAC previously reported. ICE now reports this is incorrect, that ankle monitor usage is in fact way down, not up. Adding to the confusion, ICE frequently posts data, replaces it, and replaces it again without any indication that changes have taken place, or which set are the "correct" numbers.

ICE data reporting problems extend beyond the GPS ankle monitor usage. ICE's new data for FY 2022 significantly revised the previously numbers for every single one of the ATD reported technologies—not only GPS, but also SmartLINK, and VoiceID, as well. Not only did the use of GPS monitors drop, but the public now learned that one-in-nine (11%) were not being monitored with the use of any technology at all! Also materially revised were the costs for technology during FY 2022 and average lengths in the program, as well as what was happening in a substantial number of local AOR offices across the country.

In response to FOIA requests that TRAC has been regularly submitting since June, ICE has started belatedly releasing some source documents after long delays. But unfortunately, the agency often redacts (i.e. withholds) the columns related to specific ATD technology being used, claiming that release of this information to the public would undermine agency law enforcement. TRAC has asked the agency to begin promptly releasing the underlying anonymized source documents, including the specific ATD technology being used, so that the public has a basis to verify ICE's posted figures and correct ICE's past misreporting.

Highlights from data updated in TRAC's Quick Fact tool show that:

  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement held 29,026 in ICE detention according to data current as of December 4, 2022.
  • 19,647 out of 29,026—or 67.7%—held in ICE detention have no criminal record, according to data current as of December 4, 2022. Many more have only minor offenses, including traffic violations.
  • ICE relied on detention facilities in Texas to house the most people during FY 2023, according to data current as of November 28, 2022.
  • ICE arrested 6,416 and CBP arrested 12,650 of the 19,066 people booked into detention by ICE during November 2022.
  • South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas held the largest number of ICE detainees so far in FY 2023, averaging 1,623 per day (as of November 2022).

For more information, see TRAC's Quick Facts tools here or click here to learn more about TRAC's entire suite of immigration tools.

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