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Gluckman v. DOL PERM FOIA Documents

April 13, 2014 (1 min read)

Jonathan L. Moore writes: "I wanted to follow up with you on this PERM FOIA litigation (prior post here).  As a reminder, I represent the plaintiff, David Gluckman, in the case.  The Department of Labor has produced responsive documents, and David and I would now like to begin to disseminate those documents.  To avoid any confusion, we also wanted to point out that David’s FOIA request was originally filed in March 2012.  As a result, it is possible that some of these documents may not reflect current DOL policy.  However, with that being said, these documents will certainly be of interest to stakeholders and disseminating them will undoubtedly shed additional light onto how DOL processes PERM applications.  Thank you for helping us to share these documents with the immigration community.  Please let us know if we can provide any additional information or background."
