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FOIA Request Reveals DACA Checklist

February 13, 2014 (1 min read)

Charles Kuck writes: "A client was waiting a long time for their DACA to be approved, so long in fact the it was even beyond the "normal" outrageous processing times.  As most know, there is not much that can be done in such a case to "hurry up" the processing.  We decided that we would do a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for a copy of his file to determine what USCIS was doing with his case.  Miraculously, we received the FOIA response back within 60 days.  Also, miraculously, his DACA was approved shortly before we received the FOIA.  So, why is this interesting?  Because as part of the FOIA response, we received the USCIS checklist for DACA processing!"
