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Family Members of Asylum Seekers – Beware!

April 19, 2014 (1 min read)

"The sister of my asylum-seeker client recently got an unpleasant surprise from the U.S. Embassy in her country.  The sister is a prominent journalist who had come to the Embassy several times (at the Embassy’s request) to brief U.S. diplomats on the situation in her country.  She and her family members held B-1/B-2 visitor visas to the United States.  A few weeks ago, the consular section called and demanded that the sister appear for a visa “re-interview.” When she asked for a one-day delay due to a previously-scheduled medical appointment for her child, she was refused.  The sister dutifully arrived at the U.S. Embassy, where she was kept waiting for two hours.  Finally, the consular officer met with her and informed her that her visitor visa was being revoked because her sister (my client) was seeking asylum in the United States." - Jason Dzubow, Apr. 18, 2014.