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DHS Issues New "Protected Area" Immigration Enforcement Guidelines

October 28, 2021 (1 min read)

DHS, Oct. 27, 2021 - Guidelines for Enforcement Actions in or Near Protected Areas

"This memorandum provides guidance for ICE and CBP enforcement actions in or near areas that require special protection. It is effective immediately. This memorandum supersedes and rescinds John Morton’s memorandum entitled, “Enforcement Actions at or Focused on Sensitive Locations” (number 10029.2, dated October 24, 2011), and David Aguilar’s memorandum entitled, “U.S. Customs and Border Protection Enforcement Actions at or Near Certain Community Locations” (dated January 18, 2013). ... Whether an enforcement action can be taken in or near a courthouse is addressed separately in the April 27, 2021 Memorandum from Tae Johnson, ICE Acting Director, and Troy Miller, CBP Acting Commissioner, entitled “Civil Immigration Enforcement Actions in or Near Courthouses,” which remains in effect."

Additional FAQ here.