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DHS Brief in Matter of L-A- (Family as PSG)

May 12, 2016 (1 min read)

CLINIC (Bradley Jenkins) writes: "CLINIC recently received word from counsel of record in Matter of L-A- (also known as the "family as particular social group" amicus invitation from the Board) that DHS has filed their supplemental brief.  In an unexpected pleasant surprise, DHS's position does not propose any barriers to a family based social group where at least one central reason for family member B's persecution is B's relationship to immediate family member A.  These are major concessions by the Department, and advocates should not hesitate to highlight DHS's apparent shift in position to line TAs, IJ, the BIA, and the courts of appeals.  To make an analogy to the history of domestic violence asylum, think of this as gang asylum's DHS Brief in Matter of L-R-.   A special thanks to Alicia Chen, Respondent's counsel of record for sharing the brief.  Also thank you to Michelle Mendez and Shane Ellison for co-drafting CLINIC and JFON's amicus brief in this case with me. Also thank you to AILA for also submitting an amicus brief in this case!"