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CISOMB U Visa Parole Recommendation

June 21, 2016 (1 min read)

USCIS Ombudsman, June 16, 2016 - "Ombudsman Recommendation on Parole for Eligible U Visa Principal and Derivative Petitioners Residing Abroad

The Ombudsman recommends that USCIS develop a parole policy to benefit eligible U principals and beneficiaries.

Since U visas were first established, USCIS policy, settled in regulation, has explicitly provided that individuals who have established eligibility for U nonimmigrant status and who reside outside of the United States should be granted parole to enter the country while they await U visa availability. The development of a consistent parole policy would comply with this regulatory mandate, address the urgent humanitarian concerns of principals and beneficiaries residing abroad and streamline adjudications of parole requests.


1. Consistent with its regulations, USCIS should afford parole to eligible U petitioners on the waiting list who reside abroad by creating a policy to facilitate entry to the United States while waiting for a visa to become available.

2. The parole policy created by USCIS should allow for concurrent filings of the U visa petitions and requests for parole.

3. Cases should be adjudicated at the Vermont Service Center, where U petitions currently are processed, to ensure consistent and effective adjudication, and where Congress expressly authorized the placement of the adjudication of vulnerable populations."