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Advance Copy of ICE Notice: Extension of EADs for Certain Haitian F-1 Students

August 24, 2015 (1 min read)

"This notice informs the public of the extension of an earlier notice, which suspended certain requirements for F-1 nonimmigrant students whose country of citizenship is Haiti and who are experiencing severe economic hardship as a direct result of the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. This notice extends the effective date of that notice. These students will continue to be allowed to apply for employment authorization, work an increased number of hours while school is in session provided that they satisfy the minimum course load requirement, while continuing to maintain their F–1 student status until July 22, 2017." - FR Doc. 2015-21005 Filed: 8/24/2015 08:45 am; Publication Date: 8/25/2015.