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April 29, 2022

The Legal Challenge to CA's Board Diversity Law

By Alainna Minutes
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When Gov. Jerry Brown signed California's first-in-the-nation board diversity law (AB 979)  in 2018, he did so with the acknowledgement that it would likely be challenged in court and that it had "flaws" that "may prove fatal to its ultimate implementation."

He proved prophetic, as in early April Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Terry Green sided with Judicial Watch, the activist group that had filed suit seeking to invalidate the law. But that hardly ends the story.

While we watch to see if the state will appeal Judge Green's ruling, a new bill in the California Assembly (AB 1840) would actually expand the law's reach even further by adding numerous cultural groups and the disabled to those covered by the law.

In this episode, SNCJ Managing Editor Rich Ehisen is joined by Jennifer Rubin, head of the ESG Practice Group for the Mintz law firm in San Diego, to better understand the law, the court case and the potential future of both as we go forward. 

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