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NY’s First-in-the-nation AI Disclaimer Bills, New Gig Driver Protections & More

June 11, 2024 (2 min read)

AI Disclaimer Bills Draw Support in NY

First-of-its-kind legislation introduced last month in New York (AB 10103/SB 9450) would require generative artificial intelligence systems to notify users that the content they provide “may be inaccurate and/or inappropriate” and make violations subject to penalties of up to $100,000. The sponsors said the bills have quickly drawn lawmaker support, likely due to the fact that Meta’s AI chatbot has fabricated sexual harassment allegations about lawmakers, and they expected the measures to be passed before the end of the state’s regular session this month. (CITY & STATE, LEXISNEXIS STATE NET)

CO Enacts Ride-Hailing and Delivery Driver Transparency Bills

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) signed a bill (SB 75) requiring ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft to divulge to drivers how much of a ride’s total cost will go to them and how much to the company, as well as ensure drivers know the destination and expected compensation before they accept a ride. Polis also signed HB 1129, providing similar protections for drivers of delivery services like DoorDash. (DENVER POST, LEXISNEXIS STATE NET)

OpenAI Employees Voice Concerns About Company

A group of current and former employees of OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, say the company isn’t doing enough to keep the powerful artificial intelligence systems it’s racing to develop from becoming dangerous. They also say the company hinders employees from voicing concerns about development of the technology, including by making them sign non-disparagement agreements when they leave the company.

The group published an open letter calling for greater transparency and whistle-blower protections at AI companies. They also expressed skepticism that the risks posed by AI can be managed by self-regulation alone and called for government regulation of the industry as well.

“There needs to be some sort of democratically accountable, transparent governance structure in charge of this process,” said Daniel Kokotajlo, a former researcher for the company’s governance division. “Instead of just a couple of different private companies racing with each other, and keeping it all secret.” (NEW YORK TIMES)

As we’ve previously reported, most states have either introduced or enacted legislation related to AI in the past twelve months. AI continues to be a pressing issue for state lawmakers this year, potentially introducing a host of challenges for businesses. And we don’t foresee that changing any time soon. That is why LexisNexis® State Net® would like to offer you 30 days of AI legislative and regulatory alerts for free.*

—Compiled by SNCJ Managing Editor KOREY CLARK

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