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March 31, 2023
Product Spotlight: Shepard’s® Citations Service

Product Spotlight: Shepard’s® Citations Service

This post was originally published in January 2020 and was updated in March 2023. When citing a case to point to precedent in your favor, relying on good law is critically important. That’s what makes Shepard’s ® Citations Service so valuable. Through an intuitive citation symbols and notes format, it’s a powerful legal citation tool that can help attorneys build stronger strategies. Lawyers...

March 30, 2023
Product Spotlight: Context

Product Spotlight: Context

This post was originally published in August 2019 and was updated in March 2023. Build Your Legal Strategy with Powerful Predictive Data Analytics The science of business analytics has had a major impact on the way lawyers approach their legal work. Through data-driven technologies, savvy legal teams can glean insight and give themselves a significant advantage in the courtroom. Never heard of legal analytics? Here’s...

March 16, 2023
Spot Unfavorable Authority: An Attorney’s Guide to AI-Powered Legal Document Review

Spot Unfavorable Authority: An Attorney’s Guide to AI-Powered Legal Document Review

Summary: What is Brief Analysis? Flagging Favorable/Unfavorable Case Authority Try AI-Powered Legal Document Review If you're a litigator, this problem might sound familiar: You have a long list of things to do, but you lost hours of valuable time reading through cases to find one that adequately supports your position — or perhaps that contradicts your opponent’s position. This issue can...

March 10, 2023
Product Spotlight: Lexis® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer

Product Spotlight: Lexis® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer

This post was originally published in November 2019 and was updated in March 2023. You can put away the crystal ball and tea leaves— Lexis ® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer uses innovative analytics tools to help attorneys make data-driven decisions about their case. By analyzing statistics like possible award and case outcomes, you can calculate if it makes financial sense for you to take a new case. ...

January 03, 2023
Shepard's Citations Explained by the Experts

Shepard's Citations Explained by the Experts

We sat down with Alison Manchester, Vice President of Product Management, and Huiling Chen, Principal Product Manager, on the LexisNexis® Shepard’s® team to learn more about the history of Shepard’s C itation Service, how Lexis® provides the most up-to-date Shepard’s information, and what we can expect to see in the future. Q: How would you describe Shepard’s Citation Service to...

November 30, 2022
20 Reasons to Choose Lexis+ as Your Go-To Case Law Research Site

20 Reasons to Choose Lexis+ as Your Go-To Case Law Research Site

Case law research is the cornerstone of building (and winning) your case. While precisely and efficiently uncovering the best primary law to support your case isn't an easy task, attorneys know it's a critical step in the legal research process . The right technology can streamline your process and save you time. But with multiple case law research sties available, choosing the right one for your firm can be difficult...

November 18, 2022
Legal Research Basics: A Step-By-Step Guide to Brushing Up on Your Skills

Legal Research Basics: A Step-By-Step Guide to Brushing Up on Your Skills

Legal research is imperative to the practice of law. Depending on where you are in your legal career, there could be multiple reasons to brush up on the basics of legal research. You could be a: Law student or recent graduate preparing for your career Seasoned attorney aiming to brush up on the basics amidst ever-evolving legal research technology Growing law firm preparing to train new attorneys or paralegals...

October 07, 2022
Shepard's Citation Guide Part 3: A Case Study

Shepard's Citation Guide Part 3: A Case Study

The law is fluid, changing over time with new rulings and precedents. The following case study demonstrates how attorneys are using Shepard’s ® Citator to quickly see how the new Supreme Court ruling regarding the Federal Arbitration Act will impact their labor and employment cases. Know which state-law claims are likely to be allowed to proceed in court before you file, saving yourself (and your clients) time...

September 23, 2022
“Shepardize” Your Legal Research: Shepard’s Citation Guide Part 2

“Shepardize” Your Legal Research: Shepard’s Citation Guide Part 2

Whether from a judge or supervising attorney, for years attorneys have heard: “Did you Shepardize ® that case?” Shepard’s ® , of course, refers to the Lexis Shepard’s Citation Service. Shepardizing is a critical step in any attorney’s legal research process. Utilizing Shepard’s C itator helps ensure your argument is rooted in a strong precedent, helping you to see the way the...

September 16, 2022
Shepard’s Citation Guide Part 1: The History

Shepard’s Citation Guide Part 1: The History

If you're an attorney, you've probably heard the phrase, "Did you Shepardize ® ?” As the premier citator, Shepard's ® Citation Service is one of the most well-respected tools in the legal industry. Much like Xerox, it has become the moniker for checking and validating citations, used by attorneys and judges alike. This three-part series will show you where Shepard’s came from, what...

September 15, 2022
In-house counsel cut through the Abyss of Information with Fact and Issue Finder on Lexis+

In-house counsel cut through the Abyss of Information with Fact and Issue Finder on Lexis+

In-house counsel who work in litigation consistently tell us that one of the most frustrating aspects of their jobs is trying to locate all related materials available for cases with similar fact and issue patterns. There is a vast abyss of information they need to wade through in order to have confidence they have left no stone unturned when researching the merits and potential risks associated with a lawsuit. For...

September 12, 2022
LexisNexis CaseMap® Cloud Features: August 2022 Updates

LexisNexis CaseMap® Cloud Features: August 2022 Updates

CaseMap Cloud is a collaborative organizational tool designed to help attorneys manage their cases. The new features on CaseMap Cloud provide a more customized case management experience and help streamline the process of inputting information. Keep reading to learn more about embedding documents in fact chronology reports and adding multiple people to batch uploads. Embedded Documents on Casemap Cloud Fact chronology...

August 19, 2022
LexisNexis vs. Thomson Reuters: The Comparison

LexisNexis vs. Thomson Reuters: The Comparison

This article was written by the Small Law Marketing team at LexisNexis and compares U.S. product offerings. LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters are large, international companies that boast decades of experience in creating products for a variety of organizations and legal entities. Best-in-class search technology, Shepard’s ® Citations, and data visualization set LexisNexis apart from Thomson Reuters. The...

August 09, 2022
New Practical Guidance Video Center Simplifies Lawyer Access to Instructional Practice Videos

New Practical Guidance Video Center Simplifies Lawyer Access to Instructional Practice Videos

The age of video has revolutionized the way that we watch television and movies, experience music, and even connect with friends and family members. It has also transformed the workplace, particularly when it comes to the delivery of information and instructional content. A 2021 study by TechSmith found that a whopping 83% of Americans prefer watching videos to accessing instructional or informational content via text...

August 05, 2022
CaseMap® Cloud Features: July 2022 Updates

CaseMap® Cloud Features: July 2022 Updates

What is CaseMap®? Organization and collaboration are two of the most important aspects of pre-trial litigation. Preparing your case strategy with paper files can lead to missed facts, lost documents, and ultimately, losing your case. As the legal industry gets more advanced, legal technology is more important than ever. Enter CaseMap® Cloud . CaseMap Cloud is a collaborative case management platform for case...

August 04, 2022
Inside Private Market Data with Johnston Chen

Inside Private Market Data with Johnston Chen

With the launch of Private Market Data from LexisNexis® Practical Guidance , attorneys can expect to gain access to a wealth of information they never or rarely had access to before, regardless of the size of their firm. Now you can research, inspect, and gain actionable insights using data from your peers across the country to work smarter when negotiating commercial real estate leases, labor and employment discrimination...

August 02, 2022
AI for Legal Documents: The Ultimate Tool for Supporting Your Legal Strategy

AI for Legal Documents: The Ultimate Tool for Supporting Your Legal Strategy

Summary: Use AI to Perfect Your Legal Documents Identifying Winning Arguments with Brief Analysis Try AI on Lexis+ This article was originally published on August 2, 2022, and was updated on March 16, 2023. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the fast-paced, high-stakes world of litigation has delivered huge gains in efficiency for practitioners. If you're not already using AI to support...

July 19, 2022
Introducing Fact & Issue Finder on Lexis+

Introducing Fact & Issue Finder on Lexis+

Save time and be confident your research is complete. There’s no question that litigation research can be challenging. From finding the proper terminology to combing through a myriad of resources in disparate systems, the process can be time-consuming and inefficient. Fact & Issue Finder on Lexis+® provides a unique litigation-specific search experience that helps litigators find all the materials they...

July 15, 2022
Because "Excellent Lawyers Miss Things"

Because "Excellent Lawyers Miss Things"

By Geoffrey D. Ivnik, Esq. | Director of Marketing LexisNexis There are few professional oversights as damaging to a lawyer’s career as missing key legal precedent when representing a client. The legal news site Above the Law reported that a team of lawyers in one matter in the Southern District of New York missed a critical controlling precedent on an evidentiary issue that ultimately decided the outcome of...

May 02, 2022
Find And Analyze Relevant Bills And Regulations With The All-New State Net Platform

Find And Analyze Relevant Bills And Regulations With The All-New State Net Platform

If you are a corporate compliance officer, government relations professional — or serve as legal counsel to someone who is — there is perhaps nothing more important than having access to current and accurate information regarding proposed legislation and government regulations. The price for overlooking an important bill or new industry regulation can be substantial for your organization, not to mention the...

March 28, 2022
Incorporating User Experience Into Research And Information Products For Legal Professionals

Incorporating User Experience Into Research And Information Products For Legal Professionals

By Cindy McCracken | LexisNexis UX Research Lead Six in 10 workers said new business software had frustrated them in the past two years, according to a November 2021 survey published by Gartner, Inc. In addition, 56% of respondents said new software had made them wish their management would bring the old software back. If business software tools are becoming faster and more sophisticated, how is it that new iterations...

December 03, 2021
Key Areas for GCs Advising the Board of Directors on ESG

Key Areas for GCs Advising the Board of Directors on ESG

By Aba Acquaah Today’s increased corporate focus on climate change, social justice, diversity and inclusion, and overall employee wellness corresponds with an added company stakeholder push to strengthen environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG)—with particular emphasis on an organization’s stance on its corporate responsibility and sustainability. For example, in 2011 approximately 20...

November 08, 2021
Six Questions Every GC Should Ask to Assess the Risk of an FTC Antitrust Investigation

Six Questions Every GC Should Ask to Assess the Risk of an FTC Antitrust Investigation

By Timothy Haney In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, corporate legal professionals engaged in months of speculation about how the Biden Administration might bring a different approach to antitrust enforcement than we saw in recent years. We now have sufficient evidence to confirm that at least one of the key federal antitrust regulators—the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)—intends to increase...

October 26, 2021
Compare Multiple Briefs in Seconds With Judicial Brief Analysis on Lexis+

Compare Multiple Briefs in Seconds With Judicial Brief Analysis on Lexis+

Litigator Challenges With Briefs and Manual Comparison Risks Litigators are expected to cover every base when developing briefs for a case, so one of the tasks they often undertake is to compare opposing briefs and motions, one argument at a time. This enables them to stand in the judge’s shoes and compare documents as they do in the courts. Unfortunately, conducting this sort of manual side-by-side comparison...

October 20, 2021
Six COVID-19 Insurance Litigation Trends for GCs to Watch

Six COVID-19 Insurance Litigation Trends for GCs to Watch

By Randi-Lynn Smallheer and Anna Haliotis The waves of commercial litigation triggered by the impact of COVID-19 continue to build and crash ashore. Corporate legal departments in every industry are seeing a pace and volume of lawsuits related to the pandemic unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. “The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to lead to more litigation than any other incident in U.S. history,”...