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CaseMap+ Brings AI Capabilities to Leading Case Analysis Software for Litigators

October 01, 2024 (3 min read)

The legal industry continues to grow more comfortable with the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the business and practice of law. Seven in 10 law firm leaders believe AI-powered tools will enable new value-added work product for clients and nearly half (47%) are exploring new billable opportunities for client service as a result of AI technology, according to a survey conducted this year by LexisNexis.

This embrace of AI capabilities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the way that law firms practice is a welcome development for corporate clients. Our survey found that two-thirds of Fortune 1000 executives approve of their outside counsel using AI tools in legal matters.

In these early days of the integration of AI technology into legal tech applications, the use cases that have attracted the most attention have been legal research, document creation and electronic discovery — but nearly four in 10 (38%) legal professionals told Law360 Pulse in a recent survey that they are either currently using or have plans to use AI tools in their trial preparation work as well. There is now some good news to share with those forward-thinking litigation teams.

Bringing AI to Case Analysis Software

CaseMap was the product that pioneered the category of case analysis software more than 25 years ago. The concept was simple: How can litigators use technology to help organize the countless notes on legal pads, copies of deposition transcripts, pictures of physical evidence, and all of the other facts, issues and characters involved in a case?

LexisNexis acquired CaseMap in 2006 and has invested in its development over the years to make it the industry’s leading software tool for managing litigation matters and evidence, including its commercial availability as a cloud-based solution in recent years.

We recently rolled out CaseMap+, an AI-infused version of the industry’s pre-eminent fact management and case analysis software tool that helps law firms organize case documents and craft case strategy for presenting a compelling case story.

With the launch of CaseMap+, litigation teams will experience the first wave of AI features to be incorporated into the software: summarization of documents.

AI-powered document summarization marks a significant enhancement to the way that CaseMap+ users upload and store documents. Litigation teams will now be able to obtain summaries of documents that automatically populate the document summary field, providing a brief overview of what exists within the document to help give users a quick synopsis of what they should expect to find. This will help cut down navigation time and reduce the hours previously required to review and summarize documents.

CaseMap+ also now features integration with iManage, a leading document and email management system for law firms and in-house legal departments. Using the iManage “Send to CaseMap” functionality, users can select documents in iManage and send the documents — and their metadata — directly to their CaseMap+ matter.

This direct interface eliminates the need to download from iManage and then upload documents into CaseMap+, making the entire workflow of incorporating key case documents into CaseMap+ easier and more efficient, and allowing litigation team members to seamlessly collaborate and work between the CaseMap+ and iManage platforms.

On the Horizon

In addition to these immediately available new capabilities, CaseMap+ users will soon be able to experience additional waves of AI-powered capabilities, including transcript summarization and fact and issue mapping.

CaseMap+ users will soon be able to summarize their transcripts by selected “question-and-answer” pairs within the software. This will match both questions asked by the lawyer with answers provided by the witness according to the topic involved in the testimony, and will also surface the page and line numbers where those Q&As take place in the transcript.

Mapping facts, issues, people and organizations is currently a manual and time-consuming process that can be significantly improved by using AI technology. CaseMap+ users will soon have access to new AI features that drive meaningful time savings in the initial processing of a new case by speeding up the process of mapping facts, issues, people and organizations.

Experience CaseMap+

CaseMap+ is the premier fact management and case analysis solution that helps law firms organize case documents and craft case strategy, enabling litigators to present a compelling case story. The software enables seamless integration of case-related materials, discussions and insights in a centralized platform for efficient collaboration and organization.

With CaseMap+, litigators can organize, visualize and analyze all the details of their case using interactive collaborative cloud-based capabilities. This empowers them to keep their case team informed on what’s happening in the matter and what needs attention, in real-time, with 24/7 connectivity. CaseMap+ data visualization features support the development of a better case strategy.

Click here to learn more or to request a free trial of CaseMap+ for litigation teams.