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Merging Markets, Banking Targets: Newly Updated Banking M&A Guidance

September 24, 2024 (2 min read)

In the United States, federal and state banking laws and the regulations promulgated by federal and state banking regulators provide a comprehensive system that regulates and supervises the activities of banking institutions, including their M&A activities. As a result, banks are most often acquired by other banks, bank holding companies, and financial holding companies. Furthermore, in addition to financial, tax, and other considerations typically relevant in M&A transactions in general, regulatory considerations are particularly important in bank M&A transactions because of their potentially significant impact on the feasibility and timeline of those transactions. Prepare for your next banking deal with our updated practice note providing guidance on key considerations specific to whole bank acquisitions, including considerations related to deal structuring, due diligence, regulatory approval, acquisition agreement, and post-closing transition and integration.

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