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April 12, 2023
LexisNexis Tackling Five Projects to Combat Systemic Racism in the Legal System

LexisNexis Tackling Five Projects to Combat Systemic Racism in the Legal System

By Adonica Black, JD | Director, Global Talent Development and Inclusion , LexisNexis® We recently published a blog post in this space to share highlights from Increasing Equity in the Legal System , a report published by LexisNexis that showcases the research and practical recommendations produced by the 2022 recipients of the LexisNexis African Ancestry Network & LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation Fellowship...

April 03, 2023
LexisNexis Publishes Collection of Advocacy Papers Created by 2022 Fellowship Recipients

LexisNexis Publishes Collection of Advocacy Papers Created by 2022 Fellowship Recipients

By Adonica Black, JD | Director, Global Talent Development and Inclusion , LexisNexis® LexisNexis has published a new report, Increasing Equity in the Legal System , which showcases the research and practical recommendations produced by the 2022 recipients of the LexisNexis African Ancestry Network & LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation Fellowship . The report, which is available for free download , consists...

February 14, 2023
2022 LexisNexis Equity in the Law Symposium Spotlights Challenge of Eliminating Systemic Racism in U.S. Legal System

2022 LexisNexis Equity in the Law Symposium Spotlights Challenge of Eliminating Systemic Racism in U.S. Legal System

By Adonica Black, JD | Director, Global Talent Development and Inclusion , LexisNexis ® More than 500 legal professionals participated in the 2022 LexisNexis Equity in the Law Symposium in Washington, D.C., celebrating the work completed by the second cohort of an innovative fellowship program that is placing a spotlight on how we can advance the rule of law by eliminating systemic racism in the legal system. ...

January 25, 2023
LexisNexis Offers Access to Curated Social Justice Resource Kits and Information

LexisNexis Offers Access to Curated Social Justice Resource Kits and Information

By Carolyn Bach| Sr. Manager, Knowledge & Research Program, LexisNexis LexisNexis is known as a provider of resources that help legal and business professionals with their research, information and technology needs — but our company is fueled by a larger mission . We are working to reduce the percentage of people living outside the umbrella protection of the rule of law through our day-to-day business operations...

November 14, 2022
Ronda Bazley Moore discusses increasing equity in the legal system with Geek In Review

Ronda Bazley Moore discusses increasing equity in the legal system with Geek In Review

This article was originally published on 3 Geeks and a Law Blog . Republished with permission. By Greg Lambert & Marlene Gebauer | Geek In Review This week we are joined by LexisNexis’ Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer and Head of Global Talent Development, Ronda Bazley Moore . Ronda and a team of LexisNexis leadership in the LexisNexis African Ancestry Network & LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation...

November 11, 2022
For LexisNexis Canada, Caring is Year-Round

For LexisNexis Canada, Caring is Year-Round

When kindness and charity are needed, LexisNexis employees are there to help. For many years, the LexisNexis Cares program has partnered with charities around the United States and beyond to give back in our communities. For World Kindness Day, we thought it appropriate to highlight one of the teams that has consistently delivered good works through fun and creative activities for employees to engage in. Based in Toronto...

October 27, 2022
Increasing Equity in the Legal System

Increasing Equity in the Legal System

At LexisNexis Legal & Professional, we have been committed to the mission of advancing the Rule of Law for many years. That's because our 10,500 people can see the bright line between strengthening legal infrastructures and furthering peace, prosperity and progress for all people. The Rule of Law is the principle that no one is above the law and that all are equal before the law. Robust economies depend on the...

June 08, 2022
Marva is educating the next generation on rule of law

Marva is educating the next generation on rule of law

For Marva Woods, Paralegal Program Manager, dedication, resilience, and making a difference are themes of her career. Marva has been a dedicated LexisNexis team member since 1999. For several years, she worked as a Practice Area Consultant & Legal Research Attorney until transitioning to Paralegal Program Manager, based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Marva reflects on the benefits of working at LexisNexis for so long...

June 03, 2022
Depp v Heard and the Rule of Law

Depp v Heard and the Rule of Law

By Ian McDougall As regular readers of this blog will be aware (thank you to both of you!) I try to take a major story of the day and give it a Rule of Law angle. The reason for this approach is that the Rule of Law underpins our prosperity and peace. Without strong adherence to the rule of law, our society breaks down. Security is lost, freedoms are lost, peace is lost. Yet very often the Rule of Law can sound very...

May 03, 2022
Legal Resources Available to Support Russia-Ukraine Crisis-Related Workflow

Legal Resources Available to Support Russia-Ukraine Crisis-Related Workflow

By Ben Knuth The tragic images emerging from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have shocked the world and elevated the Ukraine crisis to daily headlines around the world. For U.S. law firms, reaction to the crisis has been activated on two fronts. For one thing, they have responded on a humanitarian level and as business entities themselves. Many firms took swift action to close their offices in Russia, sever their...