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4 Jan 2023 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Quick View of Recent Enhancements to LexisNexis Products


  • Released Fact and Issue Finder, a powerful, practice-specific feature empowering litigation researchers to rapidly find resources pertinent to issues, topics and facts. Winner of the LegalTech Breakthrough Award For “Legal Search Solution of the Year”
  • Search experience:
    • Query building tools (connectors and segments) for Search Within
    • Run Search As, a toggle for transparency & control over your query
    • Improved relevance and presentation of Lexis+ Answers
    • Enhanced segment searching of National Labor Relations Board decisions
  • Multiple Shepard’s® enhancements were rolled out, including:
    • Ability to narrow citing decisions by publication status in Shepard’s® Statutes Reports.
    • Extended coverage to over 14,000 TTAB decisions for complete agency coverage
    • 85+ agencies were extracted for citations to cases and statutes—and incorporated as citing decisions in Shepard’s
    • 52 state and territorial administrative code citing sources added to the Shepard’s
    • Tennessee Workers Comp Claims and IL Labor Relations Board history connections were completed for the entire collection.
    • Enhanced for Shepardizing™ administrative decisions—citing references will display preview text and links to the cited reference in the full documents that use a parallel citation of the Shepardized™ citation.
  • Expanded tools to improve Document review, including:
    • Court Rule Compare tool enabling customers to compare current and archived versions of federal and state court rules.
    • Federal & State Legislation Compare feature for single‒click comparison of bill versions.
    • Filings tab in Cases added for easy access to all related court materials corresponding to the case being viewed.
    • Enhanced Copy with Citation to include TX Petition and Writ History as defined by the Greenbook. Shepard’s® histories were added to over 100K Texas Court of Appeals documents in support.
  • Extended Legal News Hub coverage through integration of 40 Mealey’s® Litigation News focused publications, Law360® Real Estate Authority, and FTC Watch™
  • Improved tools for monitoring and leveraging content through Lexis+®:
    • Refined Search Alert form for easier alert setup
    • Ability to sort Work Folders documents by jurisdiction
    • Annotations and Highlights options added to Download dialog for documents saved in folders
    • Improved Alert delivery with the option for full-text document grouping
  • Law School Student Preference Update: LexisNexis® Widens Lead as Top Research Platform Among Next-Generation Lawyers
  • Coming Soon: More Like This Passage, enabling researchers to identify an important passage in a case law document and with one click find other cases with highly similar language using a highly targeted approach.

Lexis+® & Lexis® – Content Additions

  • Released 32 exclusive Matthew Bender® treatises and guides including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain & Smart Contract Law, Corbin on Contract Drafting, Corbin on New York Contracts and Dorsaneo & Chandler's Texas Claims and Defenses.
  • Released 49 licensed treatises from the American Bar Association, American Lawyer Media, state bar associations and Wolters Kluwer, including Antitrust Law: An Analysis of Antitrust Principles and Their Application (Areeda & Hovenkamp), Fundamentals of Municipal Finance and Employment Law Answer Books.
  • Released Jury Instructions in seven states, extending market-leading coverage to 47 states compared to Westlaw® coverage of 37 states and Fastcase® coverage of 26 states.
  • Added over 127K federal cases, 82K state cases, 539K trial court orders, and 830K brief, pleadings, & motions documents in H2 2022 to our leading primary law collection

Practical Guidance

  • Market Standards, Antitrust module released with 1400+ deals, 40+ specialized deal points with precedent language and market trends data visualizations
  • Improved searching and sorting within Automated Templates
  • A new Construction practice area was launched
  • Expansion of practical guidance in video format with over 375 short, practical videos now available
  • Explore the latest practice insights in our Practical Guidance Journal
  • See more of what’s recently been updated within Practical Guidance in our Issue 2 (August) and Issue 3 (November) Newsletters
  • Coming Soon: Commercial preview of Agreement Analysis— a new document analysis tool that supports transactional attorneys in analyzing, negotiating and finalizing transactional agreements.


  • Rollout of CourtLink update Search page designed to be faster and more responsive when entering your search criteria
  • Expanded criminal docket collecting in the U.S. District courts, to automatically collect new proceedings in every docket throughout the day
  • Released coverage for 10 new courts not previously available
  • System updates to improve overall performance & reliability including restored connections with select courts (offline for their own maintenance) impacting access to documents and document delivery through CourtLink
  • Updated the “Last Retrieved” date field for tracking dockets to reflect the most recent successful docket update
  • Added Document Type filter for more precise search capability and expanded  range of searchable federal docket number formats to include judges initials

Lexis® Verdict & Settlement Analyzer (VSA)

  • Added new filters to narrow your search results including plaintiff age and sex
  • Updated work folder & delivery capabilities consistent with Lexis+®
  • Integration of cases by resolution analytics into Lexis+ when searching Jury Verdicts & Settlements as a preview allowing for deeper insights—available through Verdict & Settlement Analyzer
  • Improvements to the presentation of graphical analytics on VSA
  • Updated user experience for presentation of results to be consistent with Lexis+
  • Improved search relevance, consistent with searching on Lexis+
  • Improvements targeted to improve accessibility to VSA

Lex Machina®

  • Launched State Motion Metrics—taking the next step forward in providing the most accurate, comprehensive and complete litigation analytics on the market by incorporating Legal Analytics for state motion practice (“State Motion Metrics”) into the platform. State Motion Metrics allows users to quickly assess their state motion strategy and easily identify winning arguments.
  • Rollout of legal analytics coverage for a new practice area,Internet Law—adding over 10,000 cases to the Lex Machina® dataset.
  • Legal analytics coverage added for Chapter 11 Proceedings in Bankruptcy Court, providing unparalleled insights into an entirely new U.S. Court system— adding over 115,000 proceedings filed since 2009 under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.
  • Launched multiple industry trend reports (available to non-subscribers)
  • 2022 Employment Litigation Report - While employment case filings declined throughout the pandemic to the lowest number in a decade, COVID-19 cases and damages awards have remained robust
  • 2022 Torts Litigation Report - While torts case filings (excluding mass torts) have remained fairly steady over the past 10 years, motor vehicle and premises liability cases have increased over the same period
  • 2022 Contracts: Commercial Litigation Report - Commercial litigation case filings have declined steadily throughout the last ten years to the lowest number in a decade, while the total amount of damages awarded each year has remained steady
  • 2022 Bankruptcy Report - Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in 2021 dropped to the lowest number in a decade; case filing trends revealed the disparate effects of the pandemic on different Chapter 11 bankruptcies
  • 2022 Surety Bond Litigation Report - Surety bond litigation cases, including Miller Act cases, dropped to the lowest number in a decade in 2021, while total amount of damages awarded remained generally steady over the past ten years.


  • Launch of Law360® Pulse Small Law, delivering industry-leading business of law news directly to small law legal professionals to keep them informed.
  • Named the #1 Legal News Source by the ABA - Law360 is named the “Leading Fee-Based Online Services Most Preferred for Legal News” and “Leading Fee-Based Online Services Used for Legal News” by the ABA® Legal Technology Survey Report 2022.

Nexis Newsdesk™

  • Expansion of Usage Stats - Download Newsletter Usage Data
  • Ability to delete previously added RSS/User Added feeds
  • “Favorites” and “Group Content” sections added to Saved Content panel
  • 3 additional editorially created National Source Lists: U.S. Major Newspapers, UK National Newspapers, and Netherlands National Newspapers
  • Newsletter Edit & Send Changes: rearrange or remove articles prior to sending