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15 Feb 2023 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Lexis+® Answers Now Includes Recommended Questions

Lexis+® Answers is a popular tool that surfaces a direct answer to a legal research question in addition to key cases, statutes, practical guidance, and secondary materials. After submitting a question or natural language query, answers appear at the top of the users search results display. Answers now includes a Recommended Questions feature provides users with up to three questions that are related to their natural language queries so they can quickly find answers on related issues. Recommended Questions also provides users with top Lexis+ Answers passages. 


When a user clicks on a recommended question, the top Lexis Answers passage from the current content type will surface. Users can navigate into the document associated with each Lexis Answers passage by clicking on the passes. Users can also run a new search by simply clicking on the recommended question located next to the “Search For” text (as seen below).