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30 Mar 2022 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Keep Abreast of the Macro Implications of the Russian Invasion

Regulators around the world are pulling every possible lever to squeeze Russia in retaliation over the invasion of Ukraine. MLex® is reporting on the swathe of sanctions, interventions and prohibitions on Russian business through its coverage of trade, financial services and energy, with stories in this area easily searchable via the "Russia sanctions" filter.

Alongside wide-ranging bans on Russian imports (including steel and iron in the E.U. and spirits and diamonds in the U.S.), Biden’s broader plans to suspend Russia trade ties and E.U. prohibitions on new investments in Russian energy projects, there are moves in the U.S. and the E.U. to make life easier for businesses, cutting struggling companies some slack through state support and the temporary loosening of competition rules against cooperation.

These market disturbances and regulatory responses will inevitably have an impact on how competition in the U.S. and E.U. markets are viewed and should be taken into account in forthcoming reviews. In the meantime, you can rely on MLex to keep you abreast of the macro implications of the Russian invasion via our portfolios which offer a single forensic timeline of key developments alongside critical information on the authorities, courts and legal advisers involved.

Key Portfolios (for MLex subscribers):
Trade–Regulation–Russia sanctions (E.U./U.K.)
Financial services–Regulation–Russia sanctions (U.K./E.U.)
Financial crime–Economic crime legislation–property register, wealth orders (U.K.)
Trade–Biden's sanctions tied to Ukraine-Russia conflict (U.S.)

A Selection of Recent Scoops and Real-Time Reporting (for MLex subscribers):
E.U. deal to import U.S. LNG set to replace a third of Russian gas in coming years (25 March 2022)
U.S.' Russia-sanctions list expands greatly with addition of most Russian Duma members (24 March 2022)
U.S. bill to suspend Russia trade ties can pass quickly without oil ban, Senate leader Schumer says (23 March 2022)
MLex exclusive: OECD anti-bribery group seeks legal advice on Russian membership (23 March 2022)
US bill to suspend Russia trade ties can pass quickly without oil ban, Senate leader Schumer says (23 March 2022)
U.K. financial firms need law to let them share fraud and money-laundering data, lawmakers told (22 March 2022)
Crypto transfers data-sharing rule could help U.K.'s Russia sanctions response, minister says (21 March 2022)
Banks should monitor for use of law firms catering to Russian oligarchs, U.S. FinCEN advises (16 March 2022)
MLex exclusive: E.U. steel importers want new safeguard quota adjustments to factor in war on Ukraine (11 March 2022) 
MLex exclusive: E.U.-led WTO group to downgrade Russia’s trade status, paving way for new sanctions (9 March 2022) 
Russia can't be dumped from WTO, E.U. official says, but trading status downgrade is near (7 March 2022)

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