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6 Sep 2023 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

CourtLink® Now includes coverage for the United Kingdom’s High Court of Justice in England and Wales

United Kingdom (UK) High Court coverage has arrived on the leading docket research platform Leverage expanded CourtLink coverage for the High Court of Justice in England and Wales.

Search and automatically track high-value and high-importance civil cases in the United Kingdom—with the access, ease, and features that make CourtLink an essential tool for research and litigation.

CourtLink’s UK High Court coverage includes:

  • The Kings Bench Division, which hears a wide range of common law cases and also has special responsibility as an appeals court.
  • The Chancery Division, which deals with cases involving business, trusts, probate, insolvency, and land law. It also covers specialist courts such as the Patents Court and Companies Court, and handles tax appeals.
  • Divisional court cases heard by a panel of two or more judges. (Most High Court cases are heard by a single judge.)

Coverage of the UK High Court goes back to 2012.

Access this new coverage by selecting “Search Within: UK” from the main CourtLink menu.