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27 Jan 2022 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

Context Expert Witness Analytics: Addition of State and Appellate-Level Challenges

Expert Witness analytics using the Context tools from LexisNexis® now include state trial and appellate, as well as federal appellate-level challenges, in addition to federal district court challenges. With access to more than 450,000 expert witness profiles, and now state and appellate challenges, you’ll have comprehensive content for your expert analytics research.

Additional Enhancements to Context Expert Witness Analytics:

The Challenge Outcome Analysis is changing from “Admitted,” “Admitted in Part” or “Excluded” to “Positive,” “Negative” or “Unknown” to better reflect court treatment descriptions of the expert’s testimony.

  • Context detects a positive court analysis of an expert when the language of the court admits an expert’s testimony or weights it heavily.
  • Context detects a negative court analysis of an expert when the language of the court excludes or discounts the expert’s testimony.
  • The unknown designation allows the researcher to review the Summary and Court Language to understand the action taken.

In the All Challenge Decisions results list, the “Decision Language” section heading is changing to “Court Language” and provides a snippet of the court’s opinion regarding the expert’s testimony.

The challenge analytics graph now has a Trial Level and Appellate Level section.


Only Context Expert Witness Analytics from LexisNexis has powerful legal language analytics, deployed across millions of case law documents—now including state and appellate decisions—to quickly pinpoint and compile the reasons an expert’s testimony was challenged and whether the testimony withstood that challenge. When you know upfront how an expert’s testimony will stand up to judicial scrutiny—whether you’re looking to get your expert’s testimony admitted or the opposing expert impeached—you are in a stronger position to ensure the best outcome.