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12 Oct 2023 Author : Bridget MacMillan

Nexis Newsdesk™ Tip of the Month: Using the Search Criteria Report

Nexis Newsdesk™ is a collaborative tool and your firm may have many people working on it to create searches and newsletters. A recommendation I have is to download the Search Criteria report to be able to evaluate the searches offline and compare and contrast them to find best practices for creating searches. I also recommend an audit of all the searches on a regular basis, for example, annually, to evaluate searches that are still necessary and remove any searches that are no longer needed.

There are options for Search Criteria reports depending on what searches you are reviewing.
First, you can download a Search Criteria report for all the searches in a folder by going to the three dots to the right of a folder name, and selecting Download search criteria:

The report is a spreadsheet with each search having the following data points identified:

Saved Search Name
Saved Search Folder
Content Keywords
Headline Keywords (included)
Headline Keywords (excluded)
Feed Class
Location (included)
Location (excluded)
Sources (included)
Sources (excluded)
Source Lists (included)
Source Lists (excluded)
Topics (included)
Topics (excluded)
Duplicate Settings
Filters in Refine Panel (included)
Filters in Refine Panel (excluded)

Secondly, you can download the search criteria for a specific search if you want to work with it offline or share it with another administrator for their input. You do this by opening a search and navigating to the Actions drop-down menu at the top then selecting Download/Export—which opens another menu, then selecting Search Criteria (Excel):


Saved Search Name


LexisNexis® in the News

Saved Search Folder


Shared Content

Content Keywords


lexis or lexisnexis

Headline Keywords (included)


lexis OR lexisnexis

Headline Keywords (excluded)


Feed Class


Blog,Broadcast,Comment,Forum,News,Print,Social Network,Social Video




Location (included)


Location (excluded)


Sources (included)


Sources (excluded)


Source Lists (included)


Source Lists (excluded)


Topics (included)


Topics (excluded)





Duplicate Settings


Excluded based on content and headline

Filters in Refine Panel (included)


Company:Lex Machina, Inc.,Company:LexisNexis Online Subscription Services,Company:REED ELSEVIER INC.,Company:HPCC LexisNexis Systems,Company:LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT INC.,Company:RELX Group PLC,Company:Lex Machina , Inc.,Company:Lexisnexis,Company:LexisNexis Risk Solutions Inc.,Company:LEXISNEXIS,Company:RELX NV,Company:LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENT, INC.,Company:LexisNexis Risk Data Management Inc.,Company:LEXIS CO.,LTD.,Company:RELX Group plc,Company:LexisNexis Legal Carolina Academic Press,,,Company:LexisNexis,Company:Reed Elsevier Inc.,Company:LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS INC.,Company:Lex Machina,Company:Lex Machina Inc.,Company:LexisNexis Concordance Software,Company:Announced Today LexisNexis and American Lawyer Media,Company:Company LexisNexis Group,Company:LEXIS SRL,Company:LEXISNEXIS Media,Company:LEXISNEXIS RISK DATA MANAGEMENTS INC.,Company:Lex Machina LexisNexis,Company:Lexis EDA & LAW PreDiscovery Software,Company:LexisNexis Canada Inc. CORPORATION,Company:LexisNexis Carolina Academic Press,Company:LexisNexis GmbH,Company:LexisNexis Legal,Company:LexisNexis Legal Software,Company:LexisNexis Risk & Information Analytics Group Inc,Company:LexisNexis Risk & Information Analytics Group Inc.,Company:LexisNexis VitalChek Network Inc.,Company:Matthew Bender & Co.,Company:Mead Data Corp.,Company:RELX UK Ltd,Company:Reed Elsevier Properties Inc,Company:Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.,Company:Reed Elsevier Properties Inc. CORPORATION,Company:Reed Elsevier, Incorporated

Filters in Refine Panel (excluded)


Using this report can help identify search strategies that can be applied to other searches—and can be a welcome break from staring at a screen and refreshing your mind as you tackle crafting the searches to get the information needed by members of your firm.

If you have any questions, please contact your Knowledge & Research Consultant for guidance.