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21 Oct 2020 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

MLex® Data Privacy & Security Special Report and Webinar

On July 16, the EU’s highest court once again delivered a bombshell data protection ruling by annulling the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. The Schrems II decision has many U.S. companies—including big tech giants like Facebook and Microsoft—trying to figure out what’s next. As negotiators try to reconcile the crisis, MLex is following every unfolding development.

In this webinar, MLex data protection experts Mike Swift and Matthew Newman will be joined by an expert panel to discuss the fallout from the court’s ruling and the mitigating factors that may influence how to resolve this vexing issue. 

Read this Special Report

Register now for the October 27 webinar “Crafting a solution to Schrems II: Is a permanent fix possible?