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8 Sep 2021 Author : Loyd Auerbach

Knowledge & Research Consultant Research Tip: Quickly Find a Corporate Hierarchy on the Lexis and Lexis + Services

In the search box on either the Lexis or Lexis+ service, type the phrase corporate affiliations (do not hit the search icon). When the suggestions open, click the magnifying glass to the far right of the suggested Sources, LexisNexis® Corporate Affiliations™.

Enter the name of the company you’d like to find using the Company segment. Note that below the search box, there is an indicator that you are narrowing your search within the Corporate Affiliations source.


In the results, open the record for the company you searched for (which is typically the first document) and scroll through the document until you see the CORPORATE HIERARCHY link (under Corporate Structure, which indicates the Immediate and Ultimate Parents).