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16 Nov 2022 Author : Loyd Auerbach

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: Using Brief Analysis as a research tool using a “passage” from a document

You may be aware that Brief Analysis on Lexis+® is often used to find related recommendations to other cases, briefs, Practical Guidance documents and treatises based on your brief.

Brief Analysis also allows for the use of a passage from a document—rather than an entire brief, case, or other document. For example, you can capture relevant language from a statute, case, or a secondary source to quickly find relevant materials based on the “passage”.

Follow these steps:

  • From the Brief Analysis landing page, click Start in the “Analyze a brief or passage box”
  • Then copy/paste the text of interest into the “Paste your passage” box and click Start Analysis [Note: the passage is limited to 5000 characters. If longer than that, create a word document with the desired text and upload that as the “brief.”]

In this example, we’re using text from 17 uscs 107


On the Brief Analysis dashboard, click Go to Recommendations in the Recommendations box or click the Recommendations tab at the top.

Review the recommendations.

Or deliver them.