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1 Jun 2023 Author : Loyd Auerbach

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: Revisiting Research Map on Lexis+® and Lexis®

Using HISTORY on Lexis® and Lexis+® lets researchers see the first level searches recently performed, as well as documents reviewed and prior Shepard’s® reports. But what if you want to view results after applying post-search filters, such as “search withing” or want to see results viewed by content type, etc.

The answer is Research Map!

Research Map is your visual guide to the steps taken during your research session. From the History display, click on Research Map to surface a granular research history in a graphical view.

HISTORY DROP-DOWN   From within VIEW ALL HISTORY in Lexis     From within VIEW ALL HISTORY in Lexis+ 

From here, you can:

  • Review searches, content types viewed, filters applied and removed, and individual documents opened
  • Return to any step on the map
  • Edit from specific points in a past research process

In addition, use filters to:

  • Restrict the map display to specific clients, dates (going back 3 months), or research trails using filters
  • Search your past research trails for terms you may have used to restrict the research map

View this short how-to video on Research Map