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14 Sep 2022 Author : Nikki DiNatale

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: Permalink Reminder

A great way to share a document, search results, table of contents or even a Shepard’s® report from Lexis or Lexis+ is through the creation of permanent links (permalinks) using the Link to this page feature.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using these links. Rather than using a browser bookmark, the permalink will store and set the application-related properties of the page you are viewing. This includes the filters, sorting selections and other properties. The application itself will not store this link, but rather you must save it in another location such as a word processor document or email. Then you can share and paste this link where necessary.

These links will deactivate after two years of no usage. Otherwise, the expiration clock will reset when an active user clicks the link.

Sharing these links with others will still be subject to standard subscription rules and rates.