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28 Sep 2022 Author : Loyd Auerbach

Knowledge and Research Consultant Tip: Navigating to Specific Steps in Your Research History

How can you easily get back to a specific step in a past search session? How can you check on which content types you already searched, which documents you viewed and what filters you applied in past searches? With Research Map!

While History on the Lexis+® and Lexis® platforms will take you back to the results of an initial search, it does not provide a summary of the content types reviewed, filters applied or documents viewed. However, Research Map does that in an easy-to-understand graphical display. From the History drop-down—or even within the History display—click on Research Map to surface a granular research history in a graphical view.

From there you can:

  • Review searches, content types viewed, filters applied and individual documents opened
  • Return to any step on the map
  • Edit from specific points in a past research process

See below for an example of a Research Map:

In addition, you can use filters to:

  • Restrict the map display to specific clients, dates (going back 3 months) or research trails using filters
  • Search your past research trails for terms you may have used to restrict the research map

View this short how-to video on Research Map