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22 Aug 2021 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

2021 Nexis Newsdesk Certification Program

The Nexis Newsdesk™ certification program is a three-part course, taught by LexisNexis® Knowledge & Research Consultants, specifically designed for Nexis Newsdesk administrators.

Badge holders acquire an in-depth understanding of advanced search strategies, plus skills for customizing newsletters and creating dynamic analytics, in order to more effectively provide value-added and enhanced current awareness and competitive insights to attorneys and business development teams.

Session 1, Searching Nexis Newsdesk:
A deep dive into Nexis Newsdesk search complexities, presenting tips and tricks for creating and refining conceptual searches on Nexis Newsdesk and fine-tuning results with default templates, search filters, LexisNexis SmartIndexing Technology™, source lists and much more

Session 2, Nexis Newsdesk Newsletters:
Presentation on how to improve newsletter impressions with adjustments to themes and results

Session 3, Nexis Newsdesk Analytics:
Guidance for creating sophisticated analytics and dynamic charts, and how to embed them into newsletters and dashboards to provide insights and data visualization

Contact your LexisNexis Knowledge & Research Consultant for more information.

LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks, and Nexis Newsdesk and LexisNexis SmartIndexing Technology are trademarks of RELX Inc. © 2021 LexisNexis.