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22 Apr 2018 Author : InfoPro Community Manager

LexisNexis® Information Professional Update—April 2018

More must-have content
Six million original reporter images coming to Lexis Advance®

View original reporter pages to confirm text or validate pinpoint citations. Download a case image and use as a filing attachment. Authoritative print reporter images of more than six million federal and state cases are being added to the Lexis Advance® service, including some historic reporter images not available from other online publishers.  Find out more.

Easier results review
Assess lengthy documents faster with the KWIC™ display and use enhanced results document navigation

The KWIC™ (Key Words In Context) display option is now available with some Lexis Advance® results to help you quickly and efficiently determine the relevance of longer full-text documents. Simply click the KWIC button in the top-right corner of the full-text document. Plus, take advantage of enhanced Lexis Advance navigation when viewing documents. Both of these enhancements give you easier and more efficient results review.  Take a look.

More search power and enhanced integration
Accomplish more with Lexis Answers™ and Lexis® for Microsoft® Office enhancements

Now you can view up to three Lexis Answers™ Cards from your Lexis Answers results screen, e.g., up to three definitions or three cases that explain the elements of or burden of proof for your issue. In addition, Lexis Advance® integration with Lexis® for Microsoft® Office now includes the Illinois style manual. Increase your efficiency and effectiveness with these enhanced features.  Here’s more detail.

Practice-area content and tips
Helping your practice succeed in the face of intellectual property practice globalization

Globalization is driving several trends in intellectual property (IP) practice. International patent filings are soaring to record heights, and patent litigation brought by U.S. patent owners against infringers in foreign jurisdictions is also increasing. With global clients and a growing number of companies commercializing internationally, legal professionals must stay abreast of developments overseas and become more attuned to changes in foreign markets and law. Here are a few emerging themes in international IP protection, plus tips for searching timely, authoritative sources in this practice area.  Take a look.

Industry spotlight
Help attorneys in the energy industry reduce risk and shine a light on transformative opportunities

In today’s energy industry, companies and clients count on lawyers to make sense of regulatory uncertainties, the environmental implications of new extraction technologies, rate cases and more. No industry is more fraught with promise and pitfalls. Using exceptional LexisNexis® energy content—combined with advanced analytics tools and well-honed industry insight—information professionals can help attorneys handle a range of legal challenges related to the exploration, production and sale of energy.  Explore these valuable resources.

Helping attorneys stay on top of fast-breaking legal news

Venue for patent infringement … digital privacy … trade secrets … sexual harassment in the workplace … net neutrality … regulatory changes and more … with today’s rapid pace of change and influx of information, keeping up with legal news can be extra challenging. As an information professional, you can help attorneys stay up to date on breaking news and issues critical to strategy and business development.  Learn more about Law360® resources.

Digest of LexisNexis® InfoPro Weekly—March 2018

Stay on top of vital resources with this quick update.  Link to the latest literature updates, product releases, webinars and training.


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