12 Jul 2022

Video Alert: Debtors … Stay Here

Be sure to watch this practice video on the Chapter 13 co-debtor stay. The co-debtor stay extends the protections of the automatic stay to co-debtors in certain circumstances, even if the co-debtor did not file bankruptcy. Thus, the purpose of the co-debtor stay is to protect individuals that are jointly liable for the same consumer debt as the debtor.


Related Content

  • Co-Debtor Stay
    Review this practice note for an overview of the co-debtor stay in bankruptcy.
  • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
    Read this practice note discussing the requirements to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Chapter 13 Timeline
    Use this timeline to stay on track when working your way through a Chapter 13 proceeding.
  • Consumer Bankruptcy Resource Kit
    Refer to this resource kit as a one-stop-shop for information on important topics for attorneys representing a party in a consumer bankruptcy case.

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