17 Sep 2024

Kick Off the School Year: Stay Ahead with the Latest in Student Privacy Laws!

Catch up on state student privacy laws when you explore the Student Privacy Requirements topic in our Data Security & Privacy State Law Comparison Tool. Coverage includes entities and students covered, key definitions, notice and consent requirements, service provider obligations, and more.

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  • Student Privacy Requirements (CA) 
    Check out this state Q&A document setting out California’s educational privacy laws, including the Student Online Personal Information Protection Act that has been closely modeled by other states.  (Find student privacy Q&A content for 48 other states and D.C. here). 
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Overview 
    Get the fundamentals of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g et seq., including FERPA's scope, rights protected, individuals protected, covered institutions and information, and enforcement. 

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