18 Jan 2021

5 Questions Litigation Analytics Can Help Lawyers Answer

As a litigator, your clients expect unmatched trial skills, sophisticated business judgment, and proven strategic advice. Increased competition and high stakes matters require you to not only do it all, but to do it more efficiently than before, and more effectively than competing litigation firms.  With litigation data analytics, lawyers are able to complete legal research quickly and efficiently, determine the best litigation strategy with greater accuracy and, ultimately, improve the likelihood of success. 


Here are five questions litigation analytics can help litigators answer to grow their practices and better understand the legal landscape surrounding any given case:

1. Who are my prospective clients and where is the opportunity based on a competing firm’s client list?

Access to litigation data analytics is not only critical when building a legal strategy, but also plays an important role in obtaining the right clientele for your firm in the first place. Better identify prospective clients via the all-new Lexis+ Litigation Analytics—simply browse client lists of competing firms to find clients linked to specific types of cases and competitors. Further, by identifying the top 10 clients or parties represented by a firm, litigators can better determine a competing firm’s experience level with a specific client base or industry, which provides necessary context when developing a litigation strategy.

2. What should I cite in an RFP or pitch deck to maximize my success?

In addition to searching through competitor data to identify prospective clients, litigation analytics can also be applied internally to help you better source data to cite when pitching. In order to maximize your opportunity for success, consider citing your firm's total case filings, top courts by case experience, top clients, cases by party role, and total damages awarded; you’ll also want to obtain this same data for a judge or court. By leveraging litigation analytics, you can source examples of your firm’s cases most similar to the one that you’re pitching faster and easier than ever before to craft the most compelling pitch deck possible. 

3. How do I accurately forecast, price this matter and communicate the timeline to my client?

Access to insights into timing for milestones before specific judges and courts allows litigators to more accurately set expectations for their clients and price matters accordingly. Litigation analytics also reduces the need to rely on outside counsel (adding to total costs incurred) by helping in-house counsel make more informed decisions in-house. On Lexis+, everything from historical timing data for courts and judges, to timing metrics for attorneys and firms, is available in a matter of seconds, making it easier than ever to understand the litigation landscape and communicate same to clients.

4. What do I need to know about my opposing counsel to increase my likelihood of success?

Having a strong grasp on your opposing counsel’s experience level and overall litigation history is crucial to achieving a positive outcome. Litigation analytics tools like Counsel Comparator on Lexis+ give you greater visibility into your competition with powerful side-by-side comparisons of law firms and attorneys, including a broad range of experience data. Review case experience, open/terminated cases, party role, total filings, timing, damages and more for multiple counsel all at once. 

5. What do I need to know about this judge or court to develop the best litigation strategy?

Like your opposing counsel, you’ll need to have a deep understanding of your judge or court’s history to determine the best approach to your case. That’s where litigation analytics plays an important role. With the Lexis+ Courts & Judges Comparator, litigators can access important background information regarding caseloads, top practice areas, timing to key milestones, and damages by comparing federal districts and judges. You can also narrow your review by judge or court for a specific area of law to approximate experience on a motion like yours.

Introducing Litigation Analytics on Lexis+

Ensure your success as the top litigation practice with the most relevant data-driven insights available. Litigation Analytics is the latest addition to Lexis+, the industry’s only litigation ecosystem. Powered by industry-leading Lex Machina® analytics and unrivaled Lexis® CourtLink® coverage, Litigation Analytics helps you understand the factors that impact your matters most: your judge and court, based on past litigation history, damages, and trends; and your opposing counsel, via comparisons and insights into their experience.