18 Apr 2023

Product Spotlight: Lexis Medical Navigator®

This post was originally published in July 2019 and was updated in April 2023. 

Do you handle a lot of cases with complex medical issues? Lexis Medical Navigator® helps you master the medical facets while you search the law. It’s an all-in-one medical and legal research tool that can help you simplify intricate medical cases.

Lexis Medical Navigator features a single, interactive dashboard where you can access medical research and images, understand medical issues in your case, apply the standard of case, and find an expert in your area.

Medical Research

Elsevier® ClinicalKeys, available for select medical topics, provide all the basics you need to know to understand a medical diagnosis. Quickly learn about risk factors, screening, treatment, and more in one comprehensive document. Access over 1,600+ Elsevier full-text medical journals all in one place to see the latest research and get a deeper understanding of your medical issue. Prepare for trial with medical images from ArchieMD 3D Medical Images and Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations. With Lexis Medical Navigator, these images are free of copyright restrictions and can be used as exhibits at trial.

Standard of Care

Most attorneys are not well-versed in the standard of care for medicine. Lexis Medical Navigator has exclusive Q&A technology that matches the facts of your case against the current standard of guidelines, so you can quickly identify potential shortcomings. The color-coded answer key makes it easy to spot issues and links out to where the acceptable standard of care can be found, streamlining your research process.

Case Assessment

Available in select jurisdictions, Case Value Assessment uses Q&A technology similar to the Standard of Care to determine what your case may be worth. As you answer questions, the dynamic Fact Match chart shows how similar your case is to others found in the jury verdicts and settlements database.

Expert Witnesses

Expert witnesses, now available through Context, provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about your expert. Easily see an expert’s experience, challenge history, depositions, and more to get a full picture of your expert.

See the Context Guided Tour

Lexis Medical Navigator takes your medical research from complicated to completed. Ready to see how Medical Navigator can help your firm? 

Free Instant Trial

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Elsevier is part of the same parent company as LexisNexis.