23 Feb 2021

Find and Share the Right Research Insights with Decision Makers

When Harvard Business Review surveyed competitive intelligence professionals, 45 percent of respondents said their analysis wasn’t having an impact on major decisions. What’s more, 33 percent said their reports were simply used to “ratify” a course of action that had already been decided on.

As a researcher, half the battle is finding the right information to support sound decisions, and the other half is ensuring that information gets shared with the right individuals. Fortunately, you don't have to rely on a series of unrelated tools to find information and make sure it gets in the hands of the right decision makers. Nexis has all of the tools you need. Let's dive in. 

Finding the right research insights

Instead of one-and-done reports and presentations, Nexis® Reader licenses allow you to provide timely access to relevant information across your enterprise. With Nexis Reader, you can take full advantage of the sharing and collaboration features built into our flagship research platform, Nexis®. How does it work?

  1. Conduct searches and organize your search results in folders.
  2. Add notes to saved documents to help readers better understand why a particular article is significant.
  3. Create alerts to keep readers in the know when new information becomes available.

The simplified user interface of Nexis Reader makes it easy for decision makers across your organization to understand the full context of trends, competitor moves in your market, or other business-critical news and events.

Nexis Reader IDs help users keep coworkers up to date on trends, business  information and news by sharing full articles and business content to their Nexis readers, all while ensuring you remain copyright compliant.

Sharing the right research insights

Take your research insights one step further by gathering and sharing LexisNexis® content faster and easier than ever before with Nexis Newsletter. Offering easy customization and at-a-glance views, Nexis Newsletter streamlines communication within organizations, enhancing collaboration and accelerating decision-making. How does it work?

  1. Quickly and easily add content to an existing template with just a click, or by dragging and dropping.
  2. Empower users to organize content and add annotations to ensure key insights or context are clear—so decisions can be made faster.
  3. Play a critical role in the strategy and success of your organization by taking the fuss out of information presentation.

Helping decision makers understand the significance of the information you share can help boost use of the intelligence you gather. What else can companies do to increase data-driven decisions? The Harvard Business Review survey revealed four major differences between organizations that make good use of research and analysis and those that fall short:

  1. Make sure information professionals have a seat at the table with decision makers. The article notes, “The single most effective way to ensure intelligence is used in any given decision is to give the analyst a say in moving it forward.”
  2. Approach analysis with an open mind. Rather than confirming strategies already in play, decision makers should look to capture the big pictures, which can reveal different perspectives—and perhaps a better path to success.
  3. Use data to support proactive, not reactive, decisions. Nexis Reader makes this easier, by keeping decision makers regularly updated on key issues, so they can make data-driven decisions sooner.
  4. Apply the intelligence gathered tactically. Analysts contend that they have the most impact in product launches and other areas where a comprehensive understanding of the market and competitors leads to positive actions.

When decisions need to be made, information is the only thing that matters. Get it there faster with Nexis Newsletter + reader licenses. Contact our research experts today for more tips.