29 Apr 2012

What's In a Name?


"In this podcast, Fi2W executive producer John Rudolph discusses the editorial and political implications of this debate over terminology with Julia Preston, national immigration correspondent for the New York Times, and Monica Novoa, a writer for Colorlines and the organizer of the “Drop the I-Word” campaign, which has been urging news organizations to stop using “illegal immigrant” in their reporting." - Fi2W, Apr. 27, 2012.

[P.S., in a column I wrote for the Texas Tribune, re-posted on HuffPo, I advocate for the use of the term "unauthorized," based on Prof. Keith Cunningham-Parmeter's work on metaphor.  To the extent that immigration journalists aspire to be writers rather than scribblers, Cunningham-Parmeter's work is required reading. - Dan Kowalski]

(Photo: Sarah-Ji/flickr)