08 Dec 2014

Unaccompanied Migrant Children from Central America: Context, Causes, and Responses

"This paper offers a comprehensive orientation to the recent surge in migration to the United States by unaccompanied children and families from the Northern Triangle countries of Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.  To inform advocates and others working on behalf of these new arrivals, this report seeks to: 1) Set the unprecedented expansion in the number of youth and family border crossings in the context of long-term migration trends from the region; 2) Present a detailed account of the country conditions (“push factors”) driving the exodus of Central American minors and families; and 3) Consider new arrivals’ prospects for remaining in the U.S. in light of available forms of deportation relief as well as current policy and advocacy responses." - Dennis Stinchcomb & Eric Hershberg, November 2014.