18 Jun 2012

U.S. Immigration Detention System Falls Far Short of Human Rights Standards, Should be Reformed

"On June 21, 2012 the newly appointed Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants Francoise Crépeau will present his first report to the Human Rights Council. The report focuses on the detention of migrants and alternatives to detention – areas of escalating concern globally as states continue to detain migrants and asylum seekers in ways that are inconsistent with human rights law and standards. The report’s recommendations provide a guide for states to use in reforming their migration detention policies. For the United States, which has set such a poor example for the rest of the world, the report makes clear that key elements of its immigration detention system – including mandatory detention, lack of prompt court review of detention, the use of jails and jail‐like facilities – fall far short of human rights law and standards." - Human Rights First, June 2012.