13 Aug 2016

TRAC Announces Free Detainer Web App plus Report on Latest ICE Detainer Outcomes

TRAC, Aug. 12, 2016 - "A free new web app on ICE detainers that provides users very extensive information about every ICE I-247 form sent to individual state and local enforcement agencies during FY 2003 to FY 2016 has been developed and posted by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC). Available through TRAC's detainer app are month-by-month details about whether the detainer request was refused, any criminal conviction involved, and whether ICE was successful in bringing the individual into custody.

TRAC's findings based upon a review of individual detainer records call into question the assumed linkage between cooperation with ICE by state and local law enforcement agencies and ICE's success in apprehending immigrants it seeks to deport.

  • According to ICE data, DHS outreach efforts have drastically curbed reported refusals by law enforcement agencies to transfer custody of individuals over to ICE. During the first two months of FY 2016 ICE reports only 2 percent of the agency's I-247 requests were refused.
  • While recorded refusal rates fell sharply, the proportion of occasions where ICE took custody of the individual after issuing I-247 requests has not rebounded. Indeed, this rate has continued to decline. It is now below 40 percent.

The end result is that ICE has not improved its performance through its detainer program in apprehending individuals who the agency seeks to deport.

Examining records state-by-state for the entire FY 2014 - FY 2016 period, the failure to assume custody ranged from a high of 86.9 percent in Indiana down to a low of 29.4 percent in Arizona. Yet both of these states had exactly the same recorded LEA refusal rate - a mere 0.1 percent.

If the proportion of detainer requests that state and local LEAs refused to honor is examined during the months immediately prior to the ending of Secure Communities, California LEAs held each of the top spots. The Santa Clara County Main Jail had the highest recorded refusal rate in the nation at 88.2 percent.

Beyond California, three other law enforcement agencies were among the top ten recording the highest refusal rates before PEP was announced. These were the Philadelphia Detention facility in Pennsylvania (sixth place), the King County Adult Jail in Washington State (eighth place), and the Cook County Jail in Illinois (tenth place) - all facilities located in major metropolitan areas.

To read the full report, go to:


To access TRAC's free web detainer app developed with the support of a new two-year research grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, go to:


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