24 Jun 2014

Today MPI Livestream: Detained or Deported: How Parents in the Immigration Enforcement System Can Protect their Children


Detained or Deported: How Parents in the Immigration Enforcement System Can Protect their Children

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
1:00 to 2:30 P.M.

MPI Conference Room
1400 16th Street NW, Suite 300 (Third Floor), Washington, DC 20036With

A report release with 

  • Michelle Brane, Director, Migrant Rights and Justice Program, Women’s Refugee Commission
  • Emily Butera, Senior Program Officer, Migrant Rights and Justice Program, Women's Refugee Commission
  • Randy Capps, Director of Research, U.S. Programs, Migration Policy Institute
  • Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) (invited)
  • Andrew Lorenzen-Strait, Deputy Assistant Director, Custody Programs, Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

And moderated by 
Doris Meissner, Senior Fellow and Director, U.S. Immigration Policy Program, MPI

To Attend in Person

Or bookmark this page to view the livestream

As deportation levels for unauthorized immigrants have reached record highs in recent years, many mixed-status families have faced the deportation or detention of one or both parents, casting the fate of their U.S.-citizen children into turmoil and often involving the child welfare system. In light of this, the Women’s Refugee Commission is launching a toolkit to provide detained and deported immigrants as well as unauthorized mothers and fathers with crucial information to protect and maintain their parental rights and make well-informed, critical decisions regarding the care and welfare of their children. 

The toolkit includes information for parents on how to stay in touch with their children and how to participate in family court or child welfare hearings from a distance. It also provides officials, attorneys, advocates, service providers, and family members who work with detained parents and their children with critical information to ensure that family unity and children’s best interests are taken into consideration in immigration, child welfare, and family court decisions.

In addition to a discussion of the toolkit, speakers will discuss the broader policy points surrounding detention and child protection issues and the implications for the immigration enforcement and child welfare systems. 

Space for in-person attendance is extremely limited, so register early. No registration is necessary to view the livestream.