30 Jul 2013

The Youngest Activist?

"Katherine Figueroa was playing with her cousins one Saturday morning in the summer of 2009 when she overhead a news anchor say on television that the car wash where her parents worked had just been raided.  The 9-year-old stopped playing and rushed to the television screen where she saw the image of her parents being arrested by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s deputies.  Her father and mother, a worried expression on their faces, had their hands tied with white zip-tie handcuffs.  The couple was being arrested on suspicion of using false documents to work.  They had been living in Arizona unlawfully for more than a decade by the time they were arrested.  Katherine Figueroa, who was born in the United States, screamed and cried as she saw her parents being hauled away.  Hours later, she was videotaped by a few activists from Puente Arizona, a grassroots organization that advocates for human rights, as she pleaded President Barack Obama to release her parents. The video, which the activist uploaded on YouTube, went viral. ... Katherine’s activism paid off when her parents were released three months after their arrest.  However, the biggest victory for Katherine, who is now 13 years old, and her family came July 17 when a judge granted a motion to close her parents’ immigration cases." - Griselda Nevarez, VOXXI, July 28, 2013.