16 Mar 2015

The Kids Aren't Alright - But They Could Be: The Impact of DAPA on Children

"In this brief, the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration takes a closer look at the significant economic and social impacts of DAPA on an estimated 5.5 million U.S. citizen children.

The brief presents national level data with a special focus on California, where 30% of the country’s DAPA-impacted children reside. CSII researchers estimate that full implementation of DAPA has the potential to boost family earnings in California by nearly $1.6 billion and bring nearly 40,000 children out of poverty.

Key Findings

In the U.S.

  • There are approximately 3.7 million parentseligible for DAPA.
  • There are 6.3 million children of DAPA-eligible parents, and 86% (5.5 million) of those children are U.S. citizens.

In California

  • 1.1 million parents qualify for DAPA, and nearly93%1.6 million—of their minor children are U.S. citizens. (See chart below for detailed state rankings for numbers of DAPA minor children)­­
  • The total earnings of California’s DAPA recipients could increase by an estimated $1.6 billion." - CSII, Mar. 11, 2015.